Carol Frick-Allon

Real Estate Refined


Thinking About Buying

Needs & Wants VS. Must Haves. There is a difference!

Are there some things that are immutable or MUST HAVES ?.This is important at the beginning. It will seer definite parameters on your search

WANTS? Well that's where it gets interesting, and don't be surprised if you find a great and awesome home...that blows all your preconceived ideas away. You'll know the "one", when you see it.

In the meantime, get your starting checklist together:

  1. Location

  2. Price

  3. House Style

  4. School Area?

  5. Town Amenities

  6. Older or Newer

  7. Do I want to renovate?

  8. Public Transportation

  9. How many bedrooms do I NEED...or want?

  10. How many bathrooms do I NEED...or want?

  11. How big a lot do I want?

  12. Is a garage a big? 

  13. Basement finished?

  14. Dining room?

You get the idea...there are plenty more options...many of which are wants. Focus first on the NEEDS. Then  add the WANTS. AC? Dining room? Carpets? Hardwoods? Main floor laundry(might be a NEED in some cases).  Get you list together, and when we sit down we will customize a search for you. It may change as our looking proceeds.

Professionals you will addition to me, your Realtor®.

Mortgage Broker/banker/financial planner: Hopefully you have already sat down with a reputable mortgage broker or your bank. If not, I can recommend professionals. They will help you to decide on affordability of your next home, and can begin the process of getting your mortgage approval. 

FYI...a quick hop into your bank and a quick converstaion DOES NOT mean you have been approved for a mortgage. You will need to sit down and supply them with vital information. Only then can you get a firm approval. This is an important step, and will save you tons of stress when the Offer stage comes. Let's make this process fun...and keep stress to a minimum...except maybe what color to paint!

Lawyer: You will need a lawyer to close the deal for you. You may need him during the course of the deal as well. I can help you find one if you have not dealt with one in the past. Again, this is another valuable professional who you MUST have. Let's get one more thing checked off. 

Home Inspector: As terms of your Offer you will, most likely do a home inspection. I have lots of trusted inspectors. You may want to start checking on rates and services offered.